Im Frühjahr eröffnete der neu errichtete Transgourmet Abholmarkt in Wals-Siezenheim, der mit modernem Design und
HAUSER is a full-service refrigerated cabinet and refrigeration technology provider successfully operating across Europe and headquartered in Linz, Austria
We are a one-stop supplier for our international customers, delivering innovative, energy-saving refrigeration solutions and a complete project management and service package.
As a result, our customers can rest assured that we will support them throughout their system’s working life. All our products and services are built on 75 years of experience, innovation and high quality standards.
HAUSER is an international specialist in refrigeration technology delivering complete, customer-oriented solutions to the food retail sector and industry. For many years, HAUSER and its partners have been bound together by the highest quality standards, our international leadership in the field, and a success-driven, personal and careful approach to our working relationships.