- The following General Terms and Conditions of Participation regulate participation in the competition organised by HAUSER GmbH (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Organiser’ or ‘HAUSER’), Am Hartmayrgut 4-6, 4040 Linz, on behalf of the HAUSER group of companies and which can be accessed at You can find further contact details in the legal notice.
- The Organiser is also responsible for data protection in accordance with Art. 4(7) GDPR.
- By participating in the competition, the participant accepts these General Terms and Conditions of Participation.
- All employees of the HAUSER group of companies who are in a valid employment or service relationship until the end of the competition period are entitled to participate. this includes the following people who, over the course of this competition:
– have an employment contract with HAUSER as the employer
– have an apprenticeship contract where HAUSER is the authorised trainer
– have a service contract with a personnel service provider as the employer, as well as a leasing notification where HAUSER is the employer
The following companies are members of the HAUSER group of companies:
- HAUSER Australia Pty Ltd.
- HAUSER-Zagreb d.o.o.
- HAUSER spol. s r.o.
- HAUSER Polska sp. z o.o.
- HAUSER Slovakia s.r.o.
- HAUSER d.o.o.
- HAUSER Refrigeration UK Ltd.
- HAUSER Kaeltetechnik Ireland Ltd. - Taking part in the competition is voluntary, free of charge, and not linked to the purchase of any goods or services. There is no cash alternative to the prizes.
- In order to take part in the competition, participants must register at and provide their first and last name, telephone number and e-mail address. Participants must confirm that they have fully, truthfully and properly filled out the data. The Organiser is entitled to exclude any participant who has provided incorrect information.
- The competition will take place on weekdays from Monday, 29 November 2021 until Friday, 17 December 2021:
- Monday, 29.11.2021
- Tuesday, 30.11.2021
- Wednesday, 1.12.2021
- Thursday, 2.12.2021
- Friday, 3.12.2021
- Monday, 6.12.2021
- Tuesday, 7.12.2021
- Wednesday, 8.12.2021
- Thursday, 9.12.2021
- Friday, 10.12.2021
- Monday, 13.12.2021
- Tuesday, 14.12.2021
- Wednesday, 15.12.2021
- Thursday, 16.12.2021
- Friday, 17.12.2021
On each of these 15 days, the competition question can be answered between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. CET. The closing date for entries is 8 p.m. CET on each competition day. All times shall be taken from the system time of the server. - Every participant who has properly registered in good time, and who has correctly answered the question, will be included in each draw.
- Among all participants who answer the winning question correctly and have completed the mandatory fields completely and correctly when registering for the competition, 30 winners will be determined daily at random and in camera. Among them, one of 5 non-cash prizes, one of 5 hotel cheques and one of 20 travel vouchers will be raffled. The winners will be notified of their prize by telephone within two working days of their participation in the competition. Compensation for the prize in cash is not possible.
- Each participant can only be drawn as a winner once. This rule does not apply to the drawing of the winners for the three grand prizes: On the last day of the competition (Friday, 17.12.2021), three grand prize winners will be randomly drawn in private from the participants who took part in the competition every day. These participants are automatically entered into the grand prize draw if when they meet the mentioned criteria.
- If the data provided by the winner is incorrect or invalid, HAUSER is not obliged to research correct data. In this case, a new winner will be drawn.
- The winner is solely responsible for paying any applicable taxes.
- Due to the possibility of winning participants throughout Europe and the respective delivery times of the selected prizes at the time of order, the organizer can not guarantee a specific delivery date. The winner is not entitled to a specific prize.
- It is not permitted to play on behalf of a third party or to participate using a false identity. HAUSER reserves the right to disqualify participants who influence the participation process (e.g. by manipulating or violating the rules of the game) or whose behaviour is deemed unreasonable in any other way (e.g. threatening behaviour or unreasonable harassment). In any such instance, the prize can also be subsequently withdrawn and reclaimed.
- HAUSER is not liable for any damage as a result of errors, delays or interruptions in data transmission, malfunctions of technical equipment, inaccurate content, loss or deletion of data.
- The competition may only be used for private purposes. Neither the competition, nor any content transmitted or produced in relation to it, in whole or in part, may be used in any commercial transaction by a participants or third party. The competition may not be changed, edited, decompiled, saved or replicated.
- The following exclusions and limitations of liability shall apply to any liability of the Organiser, notwithstanding other legal provisions.
- The Organiser is only liable for direct damages caused by them intentionally or through gross negligence. Any further liability is excluded, except in the case of personal injury. Liability under the Austrian Product Liability Act remains unaffected.
- These limitations of liability also apply to the personal liability of the Organiser’s employees, representatives and vicarious agents.
- User data is processed with extreme care and in compliance with legislation. The data entered in the entry form will be processed exclusively on the basis of the participant’s consent. Further details can be found in the HAUSER Privacy Policy.
- HAUSER reserves the right to publish the first name, first letter of the surname and location of winners.
- Details on data processing by HAUSER and your rights as a data subject can be found in the Privacy Policy.
- HAUSER reserves the right to change, supplement or cancel the lottery at any time without providing a reason insofar as this is necessary for implementing a simple and reliable procedure and in particular to prevent misuse, or for other reasons. No claims against the Organiser can be derived from this.
- Should any individual provision of this agreement be or become invalid or unenforceable after the conclusion of the agreement, the validity of the agreement as a whole shall remain unaffected. The invalid and unenforceable provision shall be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision, the effect of which shall be as close as possible to the economic objective intended by the contracting parties with the invalid or unenforceable provision. The above provisions shall apply accordingly in the event that the agreement proves to be incomplete.
- Recourse to the courts shall be excluded.
- Amendments and supplements to these General Terms and Conditions of Participation must be made in writing.
- Austrian law shall apply exclusively, excluding conflict of law rules. The place of jurisdiction of the Organiser's registered office shall be agreed as valid for all disputes arising during the execution of this contractual relationship.
- With reference to the text in German, all references to people and roles in the masculine form used in these General Terms and Conditions of Participation shall equally apply to the feminine form.